Debugging Tools

Performance & Threads

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you have JDK (Java Development Kit) installed - JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is not enough to run VisualVM. You can download the latest version of JDK here
  2. Download VisualVM
  3. Extract the downloaded archive and start VisualVM (visualvm_138binvisualvm.exe)
  4. When Minecraft is running, on the left side under “Local” you should see either net.minecraft.client.main.Main or net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch - double click it


To profile your client performance, do the following:

  1. Select the Sampler tab and click on the CPU button
  2. Let it run for ~5 minutes, then click Stop
  3. Click on Snapshot to open the profile data
  4. Click on the first button (Export to...) and save the file
  5. Zip the exported file and send it to us.


To find out what Minecraft is doing at the moment, do the following:

  1. Select the Threads tab and click on the Thread Dump button
  2. Copy everything by pressing Ctrl + A & Ctrl + C
  3. Paste it on Pastebin
  4. Click on the Create New Paste button and copy the web link
  5. Send the link to us


  1. Download WinMTR
  2. Type the server address into the Host box and click Start
  3. Click Stop after 5 minutes
  4. Paste it on Pastebin
  5. Click on the Create New Paste button and copy the web link
  6. Send the link to us